The G Bomb
A bunch of science blogs are Google bombing the phrase Intelligent Design, so that people who type those two words in Google are directed to the NCSE(National Center for Science Education) web page about it. They’re also encouraging others to do it, so what the heck. If you have a blog, or a website, give it a shot. This might prove to be fun.
P.S I'm not an atheist I just disagree with Intelligent Design,
P.P.S If you have a bone to pick with me do it in my comments not my tag-board
P.P.S.S Except the blog to become political from time to time.
P.P.P.S.S Politics well stay out of the fizzle though
P.S I'm not an atheist I just disagree with Intelligent Design,
P.P.S If you have a bone to pick with me do it in my comments not my tag-board
P.P.S.S Except the blog to become political from time to time.
P.P.P.S.S Politics well stay out of the fizzle though
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